School of Kundalini Yoga

kirsch gongs

is a centre for Kundalini Yoga which offers weekly classes, Business Yoga, Individual Yoga Therapy, Yoga for Children, Karam Kriya, Sadhana, Workshops and more.


We are located in Oslo where most of our classes are held, but we also offer weekly yoga classes in

Ringerike, in addition to workshops both in Norway and abroad.


Our goal is to share the Teachings of Kundalini Yoga in Norway. We wish to be able to share our experience how the deep and essential insight of this tradition can be integrated into our lives.


Life is a long and exciting learning process. Kundalini Yoga offers us a unique approach to how we can discover our potential and live a life in good health, happiness and spiritual inspiration. Kundalini Yoga is based on the teachings of Yoga Bhajan, and offers a broad spectrum of yoga techniques, meditations, pranayama breathing techniques and mantras.


At Me within Me - Kundalini Yoga in Oslo, we aspire to create a quiet and meditative space, where you can experience a community that gives inspiration to growth and development, deep relaxation and renewal. Our goal is for you to find yourself more energized, being able to relate to both yourself and your surroundings with love and sensitivity facing the challenges of everyday life.