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Teacher Education Level 1 & 2
Updated Information on our new website:
The Kundalini Yoga School's teacher training has been renamed: Integral Kundalini Yoga Education. This is a 1-year part-time education at the Kundalini Yoga School's own center "Northern Light Yoga", in central Oslo. The center is located in a beautiful and green area at Majorstuen, on the 3rd floor of Steiner College Berle.
What is new this year is that before the Kundalini Yoga education starts, we offer a proper basic course in yoga called the "Yoga Foundation Course". This course is for those of you who have little experience with yoga or simply want more background knowledge before joining Integral Kundalini Yoga Education. If you have a yoga teacher training from before or have already practiced Kundalini Yoga or another form of yoga before, you do not need to take the Yoga Foundation Course before starting the Kundalini Yoga teacher training.
(more information in Norwegian further down the page):
Kundalini is an ancient term describing the unfolding of the life-force as such.
Kundalini Yoga is a systematic method that supports this process. It is a timeless experience and an ancient technology that was practiced mostly secretly in different cultures and traditions. Yogi Bhajan has brought these techniques into focus and shared them through a format that makes them accessible and safe for the western practitioner. His slogan was: "I am not here to gather students but to create teachers" and "if you want to know something, read it, if you want to understand it, write about it and if you want to master it, teach it."
We at Kundalini Yoga School are committed to delivering the ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga in the most authentic and updated way. Due to the recently uncovered scandals from the early days of the 3ho movement it is our duty to inform our students about the controversial figure of its founder Yogi Bhajan. To assure that the training is not centered on his personality we invite a team of interdisciplinary teachers which deliver the teachings on the background of latest research on history of yoga that is going hand in hand with the latest scientific research that gives proof to the health benefits of yoga and meditation. Kundalini Yoga School will not promote any specific religious belief or oppose any dress code or lifestyle. We understand yoga as a science to liberate and empower the individual and are dedicated to sharing this technology that can be found and applied in all areas of life. The content of some topics will be refined to make the teachings adaptable to the time and society we are living in. Explicit the understanding of gender roles so we can constructively contribute to an inclusive society. Additional modules will allow you to deepen your understanding of yogic philosophy and history, western and subtle anatomy, foundations in hatha yoga, sound healing and gong playing, and the work with meridians and the 5 elements.
Kundalini Yoga School (and Northern Light Yoga) work with all effort to create a safe environment for the practice and study of yogic and therapeutic methods that can provide healing and personal growth. We consider the human rights as a common ground and the yogic methods as a means to raise our awareness and sensitivity to establish these values within all areas of society. To us Yoga is as sacred as the inherent dignity and the equal rights of all members of the human family as well as the respect for all life as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
The great benefits that we have received from the practice of kundalini yoga and the positive transformation that we can observe in our students inspire us to continue sharing this technology while we continuously deepen our personal study and understanding.
Why integral?
Integral because the kundalini is a mystical power, the life force as such that is integral to every living being. It cannot be given to you because it is you at your best.
Integral because the integrity of our students is our highest value. We respect the different paths of life and are committed to supporting every student in his/her process. To support you on your journey where you are at the moment. Putting the integrity of the student above all means that everything we teach is an open sharing of ancient as well as modern technology that needs to be approved by your own experience. We don't oppose any dogma or religious belief.
Integral because Kundalini Yoga, in the way we teach and practice it, is meant to be integrated in to your daily life, so that you can live and unfold your potential in your life and context. Kundalini yoga is a Raj yoga, a royal yoga, you don't escape life and society but the technology of kundalini yoga will help you to integrate your self even more into existence, in to life where you can unfold your full potential. The mastering of life itself becomes the yoga.
Integral because in the structure of our education we integrate latest scientific research, we integrate latest revelation about the history of kundalini yoga traditions, we integrate the philosophical approach from other yogic traditions to open the scope, we integrate modern psychology, and we integrate an open dialogue with our students.
“ Kundalini is given different names in different spiritual traditions – Holy Spirit, Chi, Sophia, N´um, Saraswati, Tara, Prajjamaparamita, bodhicitta, and many more - but the power of grace, revelation, and transformation to which these terms point is one and the same. Each language has its name for gold, but gold is always the same substance. All spiritual traditions speak about the power beyond the mind that draws one through the profound process of transformation and revelation to the very source of the highest wisdom and boundless love. That power, in the Yogic tradition, is known as Kundalini . ”
- Edward Lawrence PhD
Kundalini Yoga School's Teacher Training leads to International KRI approved certification that follows IKYTA (International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association) guidelines. This education can be easily combined with work or school.
Do you want to immerse yourself in an authentic, holistic and powerful form of yoga? Then the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is for you! This training is designed to deepen your yogic knowledge and experience, as well as give you the necessary theory, practice and competence needed to become a skilled and professional yoga teacher!
Whether you want to become a certified teacher or just want to deepen your personal practice and experience of Kundalini Yoga, this training invites you to a deep and transformative process.
The Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is open to anyone who is interested in a healthy and conscious lifestyle, but we recommend having some experience with Kundalini Yoga before you start the training.
The training ensures that you will have the necessary theory, practice and competence required to become a good and skilled Kundalini Yoga teacher!
Salila Gyanjot and AnandRaj at Kundalini Yoga School teach and organize this teacher training. We collaborate with a unique and solid team of teachers consisting of skilled, experienced and renowned Teacher Trainers, each with their own field of specialization.
We offer a weekend-based education that lasts for 1 year with an average of 4-6 weeks between courses, which can be easily combined with other work or school.
The teacher training will provide you with a thorough introduction to Kundalini Yoga, as well as the necessary skills, confidence and awareness required to teach in a variety of settings. It will also take you on a self-development and transformational journey where you will have the chance to explore your inner resources and utilize your potential as a human being. The training stimulates the development of a conscious lifestyle, and experiences a sense of community with the other participants, as well as local and international teachers.
AnandRaj and Salila Gyanjot are the main teachers in the teacher training and will provide you with good follow-up through one-to-one consultations at gatherings or via skype, phone or e-mail if needed.
It is also possible to book a consultation with Leadtrainer Shiv Charan Singh during the Ashram Experience or with one of the guest teachers who come for certain modules. We will do our best to support you along the way in both your own process and on the path to becoming a knowledgeable and skilled yoga teacher!
The language of instruction is in both Norwegian and English. Study literature is only in English, but homework and exams can be done in Norwegian.
The total cost of the training is NOK 39,600 when the full amount is paid upon registration, or NOK 44,000 divided into 4 installments.
The price includes study literature and food for all the assembly modules.
At the end of the training, an additional NOK 6800 will be charged for tuition, board and lodging during the 5-day Ashram Experience retreat. Each participant registers for the Ashram Experience themselves and pays directly to the Ashram after the training has started. It is allowed to bring family with them to the Ashram Experience if communicated well in advance. Further information will be provided during the training itself.
Payment in 4 parts:
1st part payment is a non-refundable deposit of NOK 11,000,- which is paid upon registration. Your place is secured when the deposit is paid.
* Other agreements on partial payment can also be made with the Kundalini Yoga School in some cases. The Kundalini Yoga School also has a good reputation with NAV and has good experience that NAV has in many cases covered the education for individuals seeking rehabilitation. NAV has also in some cases approved the education for individuals receiving work-related benefits as a measure to promote their own health/treatment.
After payment of the total cost of NOK 39,600 upon registration, 50% can be refunded after negotiation upon presentation of a medical certificate.
If you have chosen to pay the education cost in 4 installments, in the event of interruption you must also pay for the next installment of NOK 11,000 upon presentation of a medical certificate.
If you need accommodation in Oslo or want to stay somewhere other than home during the sessions, we can recommend pleasant and affordable guesthouses within walking distance of the Kundalini Yoga School, but remember to book well in advance or for all sessions at once as they quickly fill up!
Please contact us if you have any questions, or call us for a no-obligation chat! TEL. 922 14 004 or contact us via the contact form HERE
Kundalini Yoga School - Center for Movement, Health & Consciousness | Professor Dahls gate 30, 0260 Oslo | +47 240 77 888 | Contact
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