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About Salila Gyanjot

Salila Gyanjot Vestøl

Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Associate Teacher Trainer, founder and general manager at Kundalini Yoga School

Salila Gyanjot is a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher (level 1 and 2), Associate Teacher Trainer and student of Shiv Charan Singh for many years.

She teaches with passion and enthusiasm and her classes are marked by deep understanding, sensitivity and playfulness. She is the founder of the Kundalini Yoga School in Oslo and organizes the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training together with her husband AnandRaj.

Gyanjot specializes in the psychological and medical healing properties of Kundalini Yoga, Shakti Dance, Karam Kriya, yoga for pregnant women, women and children.

As a half-Indian and with a background in modern and contemporary dance, Gyanjot was introduced to various forms of yoga, awareness and movement early in her life.

She has taught at several different yoga and fitness centers, companies and health-related businesses, both in Norway and internationally. Her experience is that Kundalini Yoga's wisdom and practice fills a need for many, and enriches the individual in the increasingly intense times we live in.

She has a burning heart to convey how Kundalini Yoga can contribute to increased quality of life, joy and balance. Both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!

About AnandRaj

AnandRaj / Jakob Schaible

Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Associate Teacher Trainer, Gong Teacher and founder of the Kundalini Yoga School

AnandRaj is a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher (level 1 and 2), Associate Teacher Trainer and student of Shiv Charan Singh for many years.

Together with his partner Gyanjot, he is the founder of the Kundalini Yoga School in Oslo and organizes the Teacher Training in Kundalini Yoga.

AnandRaj teaches with soul and heart. For him, Kundalini Yoga is a yoga of creativity, which you can notice in his concentrated and varying classes. He guides you through kriya's and meditations in a sensitive and precise way that gives them more depth, understanding and flow.

As a recognized artist, Art Therapist, Naad Yogi, Gong Teacher and Karam Kriya consultant, he continuously integrates different methods into his Kundalini Yoga teaching.

AnandRaj started his studies in India already in 2000 and has experience from several different forms of yoga, consciousness training and movement disciplines. He has developed a therapeutic approach to Yoga and has extensive experience with teaching in different contexts and for different target groups both in Norway and internationally.

AnandRaj is originally from Germany and has worked as a well-established Yoga teacher in Berlin since 2005. He is an experienced and conscious teacher, which is clearly evident in his communication and dissemination of Kundalini Yoga.

Kundalini Yoga School - Center for Movement, Health & Consciousness | Professor Dahls gate 30, 0260 Oslo | +47 240 77 888 | Contact

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