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Yoga Oslo offers

Teacher Education Level 1 & 2

Morning Yoga / Sadhana (free)

What is The Aquarian Sadhana?

The Aquarian Sadhana is the morning discipline of Kundalini Yoga given by Yogi Bhajan, and is practiced during "The Ambrosial Hours", the time between 3:00 AM and 7:00 AM.
The Ambrosial hours are the time before the sun rises. This is the time when the level of Prana (life energy) is extra high and we get the most out of our yoga practice.

Sadhana means "spiritual discipline." It is a conscious act where you create a regular space to go within yourself and connect with your own essence and soul.

The Aquarian Sadhana often lasts 2.5 hours and consists of the following parts:

Get up and take a cold shower
Recitation of Japji
Yoga set / Kriya
Lang Ek Ong Kar - meditation
Singing of Mantra's (with live music)

When we do Sadhana we work with our subconscious in a waking state. It is a wonderful opportunity to change old patterns within ourselves, which we want to get rid of and which we feel have been stored in the body and mind.
With regular Sadhana practice, many people find that they develop a strong connection with themselves and gain an increased awareness and presence, which they bring into the rest of their day.
This morning discipline can help you change unwelcome and sometimes unconscious reaction patterns and habits, and can help you replace them with new and more rewarding habits.

Sadhana at Kundalini Yoga School is often given in neutral and meditative rooms. This special atmosphere can often be felt and supports each individual's personal process. This way you can experience being in a deep state of silence, presence and in close contact with yourself and life.
This morning discipline is a beautiful way to start the day and is based on donation. You take the effect and mood with you throughout your day! You are most welcome to try or participate in our regular Sadhana gatherings in Oslo and Hønefoss, whether you are a beginner in Kundalini Yoga, or have some experience.

Kundalini Yoga School - Center for Movement, Health & Consciousness | Professor Dahls gate 30, 0260 Oslo | +47 240 77 888 | Contact

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