Sted: Steinerhøyskolen Berle, Prof. Dahls gate 30, 0260 Oslo
Pris: 380,- kr. Meld deg på her innen Fredag 25. Oktober - betal ved påmelding.
Give birth to your self, renew and rebirth!
Rebirthing Workshop med Gong Meditasjon is a workshop which we offer once a month.
It is a series of Kundalini Yoga kriyas (yoga sets), that Yogi Bhajan gave us to totally renew ourselves. He called them rebirthing kriyas!
They are extraordinary powerful and will give you the possibility to resolve deep subconscious patterns that might bind you in a repetition of disappointment and pain. You have the chance to conquer what weakens you and what prevents the unfolding of your full potential. In this way you can arrive step by step, more and more in your presence and relax in the happiness of your original being.
After the workshop we will have some snacks together, with time to integrate the experience and to connect.
Come and join us for a deep Kundalini Yoga experience, no previous experience is requiered!
The workshop will be given on the following dates every month:
- Søndag 22. September fra kl. 17:00 - 20:00 Meld deg på innen Onsdag 18. September
- Søndag 27. Oktober fra kl. 17:00 - 20:00 Meld deg på innen Fredag 25. Oktober
- Søndag 1. Desember fra kl. 17:00 - 20:00 Meld deg på innen Fredag 29. November
Kundalini Yoga Skolen - Senter for Bevegelse, Helse & Bevissthet | Professor Dahls gate 30, 0260 Oslo | +47 240 77 888 | Kontakt
Copyright © 2017 Kundalini Yoga Skolen AS | 998908345